Thursday, January 29, 2009

Snow Dayz

Here are some pictures from what our New's Channels are calling ICE STORM 09...

Day 29 of 365 Project

I'm so glad it's nasty outside and we didn't have power for most of the night... I was able to finish the book!! Woo Hoo, one down 49 to go.. LOL

Day 28 of 365 Project

This is one of the book I have to read for a project this semester, one of 50... Gee whiz, can I get some more time please???

Day 27 of 365 Project

Me in my UofL Hoodie. GOOOO CAAARRRDS!!

Day 26 of 365 Project

Is it the boogie man???

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Day 25 of 365 Project

I don't know where I would be if it weren't for my trusty laptop!?!?! And then there is the colorful skin that I got for Christmas from my sister... The kids at school got all excited when they saw it and started asking me if I had a account, so I lied and told them no, that what it meant was that the laptop was MY SPACE ie: not theirs :)

Day 24 of 365 Project

This is my own version of an egg-a-muffin.... This is from one of my favorites parodys.... here is a link so you can better understand :)

Day 23 of 365 Project

Watching the sunset from my front window. Oh know I've got stripes on my face!! I must really be getting sick... LOL

Day 22 of 365 Project

These were my BFF for the week this week. The kids would look at me and say, "Are you using that stuff that my mom makes me use when I'm sick" Oh yes I am!! All over my nose, just so I can breathe!

Day 21 of 365 Project

NOOOO... STOOOP... DOOON'T DO IT!!!! What ever you do... don't eat the YELLOW SNOW!!

Day 20 of 365 Project

No creativity here! I passed my CCDW qualifications! 16 out of the 20 shots I hit center mass. Go me... Go me... Go me!! If I look a little blue it's because our shooting range was outside and my husband told me it was inside, Thanks honey :)

Day 19 of 365 Project

I love holding my husband's hand!

Day 18 of 365 Project

Looking out the front door... I worked on the BW conversion a little. I can't decide if I like it better in BW or color.....

Day 17 of 365 Project

Turning the TV off for the night and hitting the sack... another long day coming to an end

Day 16 of 365 Project

I'm hooked! I can eat a whole stinkin' bag of these things... and guess what I'll be doing for lunch today. School lunches suck, so edamame for me!

Day 15 of project 365

This one turned out pretty dark, but that is a direct reflection on how I felt... blah. These kids are wearing me down... but it'll get better.... hopefully :)

Day 14 of Project 365

It's Monday night, Last week was NOT GOOD... so needless to say I'm pooped. It's winter time, aren't we supposed to have snow days??

Day 13 of Project 365

Look really close!! You can see me in the reflection of my watch links... I had a little time to get creative today. This one was fun!

Day 12 of 365 Project

It's the evil floating head.... I have no idea how I ended up with this picture, but HEY it's different!!

Day 11 of 365 Project

My husband does NOT like this picture....but hey I'm not doing this for him :) I think it looks kinda cool :) I'm trying to learn what my best angle is, and believe you me this look MUCH better than some of the other ones...LOL

Day 10 of 365

Well lookie there, I pray for snow and I get snow, but because I live in the STINKIN' CITY we're STILL not out of school. If I were still at home we'd be out for two days with this snow.... MAAAN I can't catch a break right now

Day 9 of 365 Project

This is me stuggling to go to work. I just took a new long term sub teaching job is a little place that I like to refer to as HELL. Hopefully it'll get better as time goes... at least that's what everyone keeps telling me. I guess all I can do now is pray for snow, A TON of SNOW!

Day 8 of 365 Project

Things have been pretty busy, so this is the extent of my creativity right now.

Day 7 of 365 Project

By now I have realized that the whole "self-portrait" part of this 365 thing isn't the easiest thing to do. Now, with that being said, you might be seeing a lot of hands and feet on here while I'm overloaded with school and work. :) Hopefully it won't last long though :)

At least I had the time do do a little creative editing with this one.... LOL

Day 6 of 365

My hand.... again

Day 5 of 365

This is me trying to be creative with light... not my best work, but it'll do :)

Sunday, January 25, 2009

This is Day 4 of Project 365.
It's New Year's Eve and I met my Best Friend and her Husband at O'Charleys for dinner. Then we rang in the New Year sitting in Wal Mart's Parking lot shootin' the breeze. It was nice and affordable!
This is my Day 2 of my Project 365. It's a picture of my and my husbands dog laying on the floor.

Monday, January 19, 2009

Welcome to my Ingenious Blog!! It is Ingenious because it is mine... LOL~

I am going to be posting various pictures here. Some from my 365 Self Portrait project and some random shots.

I'm always up for constructive criticism, so feel free to comment on anything.

Hope you enjoy them!


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